Friday, September 24, 2010


In the book, “A plan to divide and destroy the theology” an interview with Dr. Micheal Brant has been published. Dr. Brant was the right hand of Bob Woodwards, CIA’s X-chief. Dr. Brant was working for a long time for the CIA but due to his improper use of money and authority he was discharged from his post. Upon this he revealed many of the secret plans and eye opening facts in revenge of his losing his position with the CIA. He talks about the sum of 900 million dollars being fixed for these secrets missions and drug money being taken from Columbia and Afghanistan for the same purpose. Yet, this drug money was not used for the purpose it was allocated for and even the other sum was not taken care of properly.

Dr. Brant says that for the past many decades the West has governed the Islamic world. Over time the Muslim countries gained their independence but their concept of freedom, politics and culture was under strong influence of the West. Especially the political and financial setup was under strong influence. After independence, these countries did not give attention to the educational and cultural aspects making up society and continued to follow the western thought culture in the society. In 1979, the Iranian revolution brought about an earthquake shattering the long term planning being carried out for years and years. At the beginning it was thought that it was de to the suppression of Shah of Iran that the civil war had begun. It seemed that the religious people and leaders (“Ulema”) were taking advantage out of this for themselves. We (the West) thought that after Shah Iran is gone we will bring our men who will continue our policy. Due to the problems faced by the USA in those two/three years (Embassy crew of Iran being taken as hostage and planes being destroyed in the desert causing failure of commando attack) the Islamic world started to re-think about Islam. Hatred against the West in different countries such as Lebanon and Pakistan started to rise and the Shiites became stronger. Looking at all this in 1983 the high authorities kept a conference. In this conference the British secret service MIX also participated. Britain having a vast experience with these countries was to have key ideas about what to do with regards to the Shiites. It was decided that the Iranian revolution was not just a result of the Shah’s oppression but there were more realities and facts behind the scene. From which, the strongest factor was the Islamic authority being a guide to Politicians and to manage the rule and politics of an Islamic country and the 1400 years old martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam Mohammed’s (pbuh) grandson Hussein(pbuh). The mourning of Hussein(pbuh) is celebrated by Shiites with great sorrow and grief. These are the two factors due to which Shiites seem more effective and active. In this meeting it was decided that Shiite Islam must be understood and a project is to be launched for which a special section will be made. The budget fixed was 4 million USD. According to Dr. Micheal Brant the project was divided into 3 stages.

(1) Data collection (2) Short term targets (3)Long term Targets

In the first stage research scholars were send around the world from which 6 were sent to Pakistan. (Their names are available in the article). One of these is Dr. Shome Whale (spelling could be wrong) who completed his PhD researching the ‘azadari’ (mourning in the name of Hussein(pbuh)) of Hussein(pbuh) in Karachi. He stayed as a paying guest in one of the Shiite areas known as Rizvia society. A Japanese woman completed her PhD doing research on the Hazara people of Balochistan, Quetta and Shiite Islam. In the early surveys questions such as the following were asked:

>> Where in the world are Shiites residing and how many per area?

>> What is the social and economic status of the Shiites and what are the differences amongst them?

>> How to amplify the internal conflicts and disagreements amongst the Shiites?

>> How to magnify the differences already existing between the two major sects of Islam (Sunnite and Shiite).


After all this research, according to Dr. Brant, they came to the conclusion that:

Shiite Scholastic leaders (Marj’as) are the real strength of this school of thought who protect the Shiite faith in all time at all cost. They are very strong about the principles and beliefs. They have never, in the vast Shiite history, given allegiance to any ruling authority that is not practicing Islam. It was Ayatullah Shirazi’s ruling that prevented the British from entering Iran. In Iraq the largest institute of Islamic teaching for the Jafferi (Shiite) school of thought was in Najaf. Saddam Hussein(LA) tried to buy and control this institute but failed to do so. At the end he had to shut down the school and till this day it remains closed for public teaching. While, all the other religious institutions in the world usually go along with the government. It was the religious institution of Qum, which was the main force behind the overthrowing of Shah of Iran. It now stands up to the might of the world power, which is USA. In Lebanon the campaign of Ayatullah Musa Sadr forced the American, French and British arm to withdraw from Lebanon. Ever since Israel came into being the Ayatullah stands as the greatest threat and challenge to it in the form of HizbAllah. Hence, from these encounters we have concluded that direct confrontation with Shiites results more in damage than any kind of success. Thus, it is wiser to work behind the veil. The old British tactic to divide and rule proved to be unsuccessful so we adopted another way, which is divide and annihilate. Here, prolonged discussion and devoirs were presented. We shall briefly summarize it below.

Their PLANS!

The plan is to appoint those who are prejudiced and harbor enmity against Shiites and glorify these people. The idea is to use them against the Shiites. Utilizing negative propaganda against the Shiites to isolate them from the main stream of Islam. To provide literature which will stir up enmity for Shiites. When these prejudiced people increase enough in number use them as a weapon for war against the Shiites. [for example Taliban and Sibah e Sahaba].
At the same time, propagate false information against Shiite leaders and scholars, which will open up another door for their conspiracy. Thereby the fifth column should become distorted so that they are unpopular amongst their own people and the Shiites start to hate their leaders.
On the aspect of ‘azadari’ Dr. Brant says that in Shiite Islam the practice of mourning of Hussein(pbuh) brings about great emotion within the Shiites. The Shiites get together to commemorate and recall the even of Kerbala. One person recites and/or speaks of the tragedy that took place and presents a vivid picture of Kerbala. The young and the old grief and mourn for Hussein(pbuh) and his household. The speaker and the masses who attend the lecture are important to consider. It is due to this gathering and speech that the emotions of Shiites are invigorated in such a way that they are ready to stand up and fight for the truth against falsehood and evil, even if it costs them their lives. Hence, billions of dollars must be spent in order to not only hijack the speakers but also the mass. First off, those Shiites who are more materialistic and whose beliefs are weak, who have some fame and can be used as sources amongst the people must be found. These are the people who will be used in order to influence the saying of the ‘azadari’ practice. Then to bring out and encourage such speakers who do not possess correct knowledge nor the gnosis of Shiite Islam. Furthermore, look for and find those Shiites who need some kind of financial or material gain and use them to campaign against the Shiite faith. Weaken the foundations of the Shiites and blame it all on the Shiite scholars and leaders (Marj’as). To encourage such practices in the mourning of Hussein(pbuh) which do not conform o the real Shiite beliefs and introduce new practices which will be against the teachings of the Shiite faith.
Present the Shiite azadari practices as a group of ignorant and violent people who create disturbances amongst the general masses. [Already can be found in various news articles on the internet] Sanction large funds to disseminate such movements and promote the speakers who will speak in a way as to present azadari as something illogical. Hence, a school of thought based on logic will be presented to be without logic and spurious. This is to cause distress and dissections between the Shiites. At the end strike them in the weaker moment.
Research and investigate and gather information against the Shiite scholars and leaders and then provide this information to unknown writers. Spend vast amount of money to propagate the distorted information. Spread this literature amongst the general people and speakers. In this way, during the last phase of this movement against the Shiites, the final blow would be to dismantle the central authority on which Shiites rely for their verdicts. By 2010 this is to be achieved and disperse the Shiites and weaken them. The authority of Shiite scholars which would stand up to the ruling authorities would be subdued by the Shiites themselves to destroy the power of the Shiite scholars. Some of the activities for such a movement have already been launched successfully. Some are on the way to be executed in the future.

Taken from "Anjuman-e-Sada-e-Aza" of North America.

This article is a translation back into English from an Urdu article, which covers parts of the interview in the concerning book. I have not been able to locate the book at a library nor bookstore such as If anyone is able to get a hold of the book I would recommend it be read and also to let others know where it can be found. If I am able to get it I will inshaAllah publish it online. Please spread the world as much as possible as it is in our best interest to be aware of the conspiracies against us. We must be aware and hold steadfastly to our beliefs. Listen carefully to what is heard and cross link it with the teachings of our Imams(as) and the Quran. As our Imam(as) have said that if it is at conflict wit the Quran it is not said by them. Indeed the time of the return of our Imam(atfs) is near and we must hold on to our faith. Do not think of your marjas and leaders as low. Do not let all the conspiracies of the enemies be successful! Don’t just listen to Majlis e Hussein(as) let’s make his message live on!

  we  have only translated what I found in Urdu back to English, if we have made any mistakes translating we apologize for that.

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